Disc One
1. Intro Intros (3:19)
2. The Grand Wazoo (Think It Over) (17:21)
3. Approximate (13:35)
4. Big Swifty (11:49)
Disc Two
1. Ulterior Motive (3:19)
2. The Adventures of Greggery Peccary (32:37)
3. Penis Dimension (3:35)
4. Variant I Processional March (3:28)
Total Time 96:03
Koncert zespołu GRAND WAZOO big band, prowadzonego przez Zappę. Nazwę przyjął od płyty Grand Wazoo i funkcjonowała ona tylko w czasie tej trasy.Ten koncert nagrany został w Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA, USA, 24.09.1972
Produced by Gail Zappa & Joe Travers
Vaultmeisterment by Joe Travers
Mastered by Doug Sax and Robert Hadley at The Mastering Lab
Future History by FZ, 1972
Insider Bried by Malcolm McNab, 2007
Cover Art "Mundo Invisible" (oil on canvas, 60" x 72") by Christopher Mark Brennan, 2003
Art Direction/Concept & Text by Gail Zappa
Renderment & Layout Design by Michael Mesker
- Frank Zappa / guitar and white stick with cork handle
- Tony Duran / slide guitar
- Ian Underwood / piano and synthesizer
- Dave Parlato / bass
- Jerry Kessler / electric cello
- Jim Gordon / drums
- Mike Altshul / piccolo, bass clarinet, and other winds
- Jay Migliori / flute, tenor sax, and other winds
- Earl Dulmer / oboe, contrabass, sarrusophone and other winds
- Ray Reed / clarinet, tenor sax and other winds
- Charles Owens / soprano sax, alto sax and other winds
- Joann McNab / bassoon
- Malcolm McNab / trumpet in D
- Sal Marquez / trumpet in Bb
- Tom Malone / trumpet in Bb, also tuba
- Glen Ferris / trombone and euphonium
- Kenny Shroyer / trombone and baritone horn
- Bruce Fowler / trombone of the upper atmosphere
- Tom Raney / vibes and electric percussion
- Ruth Underwood / marimba and electric percussion
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