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For Girls Who Grow Plump in the Night

Oceń ten artykuł
(110 głosów)
(1973, album studyjny)
1. Memory Lain, Hugh / Headloss (9:14)
2. Hoedown (3:18)
3. Surprise, surprise (4:05)
4. C'thlu thlu (6:12)
5. The dog, the dog, he's at it again (5:38)
6. Be alright / Chance of a lifetime (6:35)
7. L'auberge du Sanglier / A hunting we shall go / Pengola / Backwards / A hunting we shall go (reprise) (10:05)

Czas całkowity: 45:07

dodatkowo na reedycji z 2001 roku:
8. Memory Lain, Hugh / Headloss (9:18)
9. No! ("Be Alright") / Waffle ("Chance of a Lifetime") (5:10)
10. He Who Smelt It Dealt It ("Memory Lain, Hugh") (4:43)
11. Surprise, Surprise (3:15)
12. Derek's Long Thing (11:00)
- Richard Coughlan ( drums, percussion, timpani )
- Pye Hastings ( vocals, elelectric guitar )
- John G. Perry ( bass, vocals, percussion )
- Geoff Richardson ( viola )
- David Sinclair ( keyboards  )

- Paul Buckmaster - electric cello (7)
- Tony Coe - clarinet, tenor sax (1)
- Jimmy Hastings - flute (1)
- Rupert Hine - synthesizer (1-2-6)
- Pete King - flute, alto sax (1)
- Harry Klein - clarinet, baritone sax (1)
- Henry Lowther - trumpet(1)
- Jill Pryor - voice (5)
- Chris Pyne - trombone (1)
- Frank Ricotti - congas (2,3,5,7)
- Barry Robinson - flute, piccolo (1)
- Tom Whittle - clarinet, tenor sax (1)
Więcej w tej kategorii: « Caravan Cunning Stunts »
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