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Need Ei Vaata Tagasi...

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(1999, album kompilacyjny)
CD 1 (69:03)
1. Õhtunägemus (Night Vision) (4:03) (1972)
2. Tsepellini triumf (Zeppelin's Triumph) (6:14) (1971)
3. Rukkilõikus (Rye Harvesting) (3:41) (1972)
4. Nii vaikseks kõik on jäänud (As Quietly As All Stayed) (3:31) (1971)
5. Noore fotograafi uppumine (Young Photographer's Drowning) (3:31) (1973)
6. Pajats (Buffoon) (2:31) (1973)
7. Enne seda suurt nalja (Before That Big Joke) (1:42) (1973)
8. Parandamatu (Unimprovable) (2:25) (1973)
9. Vana auruvedur (Old Steam Locomotive) (3:30) (1974)
10. Ikaros (Icarus) (4:09) (1975)
11. Ah, ma teadsin... (Ah, I Knew...) (2:41) (1973)
12. Laul näidendist "Protsess" (Song from the Drama "Process") (3:45) (1975)
13. Tutarlaps kloaagis (Girlfriend in the Loo) (2:24) (1972, live 1981)
14. Sügispäev (Autumn Day) (3:23) (1973, live 1983)
15. Ülemlaul (Song of Songs) (4:57) (1973, live 1983)
16. Need ei vaata tagasi... (Not Looking Back At Them...) (3:59) (1971, live 1981)
17. Kel on laulud laulda (Who Has the Song to Sing) (3:38) (1979, live 1983)
18. Must lind (Black Bird) (5:33) (1981, live 1981?)
19. Eesti nuld ja Eesti süda (Estonia's Soil and Estonia's Heart) (3:26) (1982)

CD 2 (72:51)
1. Mis saab sellest loomusevalust? (What Becomes of That Natural Pain) (7:33) (1976)
2. Ei mullast (Not Dirty) (2:43) (1978)
3. Avanemine (The Opening) (4:19) (1978)
4. Üleminek (Crossing Over) (1:55) (1976)
5. Laul teost (A Song From Work) (2:24) (1977)
6. Klaperjaht (The Chase) (1:11) (1976)
7. Põhi, lõuna, ida, lääs (North, South, East, West) (6:05) (1978)
8. Isamaa (Fatherland) (1:07) (1977)
9. Ajaloo õppetund (History Lesson) (2:32) (1978)
10. Elupõline kaja (Perpetual Echo) (4:49) (1978)
11. Omaette (By Oneself) (2:40) (1978)
12. Ha, ha, ha, ha (Couplet in Estonian) (4:15) (1978)
13. Keldrikakand (The Slater) (0:58) (1977)
14. Perekondlik (Homely) (1:33) (1973)
15. Miks on teile Jumalat vaja? (Why Do You Need God?) (3:19) (1979)
16. Kassimäng (Cat Game) (2:49) (1977)
17. Läänemere lained (Waves of the Baltic Sea) (3:13) (1977)
18. Üle müüri (Over the Wall) (3:39) (1977)
19. Ahtumine (The Narrowing) (7:44) (1976, live 1976)
20. Kaks pihtimust (Two Confessions) (8:03) (1976, live 1976)

CD 3 (70:20)
1. Must ronk (Black Raven) (2:50) (1981)
2. Leiutaja ja laiutaja (The Inventor and the Innovator) (1:49) (1981)
3. Tule metsa (Come to the Forest) (3:10) (1981)
4. Kes kellega käib (Who's Going with Whom) (2:20) (1982)
5. Aafrika mehed (African Folks) (2:06) (1981)
6. Sa oled mul teine) (You Are My Other) (3:19) (1982)
7. Rahu (Peace) (3:34) (1981)
8. Õunalaul (The Apple Song) (3:11) (1981)
9. Tule minuga sööklasse (Come with Me to the Cafeteria) (2:34) (1981)
10. Dr. Noormann (2:54) (1981)
11. Suudlus läbi jäätunud klaasi (A Kiss through the Frozen Glass) (3:17) (1982)
12. Igapäevane rock (Daily Rock) (2:38) (1982)
13. Inimene õpib (A Person Learns) (3:28) (1981, live 1981)
14. Eile nägin ma Eestimaad (Yesterday I Saw an Estonia) (2:13) (1981, live 1981)
15. To Mr. Lennon (3:31) (1981, live 1981)
16. Praegu (Now) (2:19) (1980, live 1981)
17. Ars Longa (3:01) (1982, live 1983)
18. Rumal rahutus (Foolish Anxiety) (2:52) (1982)
19. Tango (3:07) (1982)
20. Noor teab mis teeb (The Young Knows What to Do) (3:55) (1982)
21. Rävala rock (2:38) (1982)
22. Rujaline roostevaba maailm (Ruja-style Rust-free World) (3:36) (1982)
23. Mida me räägime teistest (What We're Saying About Others) (3:35) (1982)
24. Head ööd (Good Night) (2:23) (1982)

CD 4 (71:15)
1. Kes meeldida tahab... (Who Wants to Please...) (2:26) (1985)
2. Dokumendideta võõras linnas (Document-less in a Foreign Town) (3:15) (1985)
3. Mida teeksid siis? (What Would You Do Then?) (3:29) (1985)
4. Vaiki kui võid (As Quiet As You Can) (3:59) (1985)
5. Sõbra käsi (A Friend's hand) (3:33) (1985)
6. Sildade põletajad (Bridge Burners) (3:26) (1985)
7. Teisel pool vett (On the Other Side of the Water) (3:16) (1986)
8. Murtud lilled (Wilted Flowers) (3:32) (1986)
9. Veerev kivi(The Rolling Stone) (5:48) (1986)
10. Oled sa järv? (Are You a Lake?) (4:27) (1986)
11. Lootuselaul (A Song of Hope) (4:30) (1986)
12. Kahe näoga Janus (Two-faced Janus) (3:07) (1986)
13. Pime sõda (The Dark War) (2:58) (1985)
14. Meeste laul (Men's Song) (3:37) (1986)
15. Mis teha? (What to Do?) (3:50) (1987)
16. Isamaa pale (Face of the Homeland) (3:11) (1986)
17. Tulekell (Fireclock) (3:12) (1986)
18. Eleegia (Eulogy) (3:27) (1985)
19. Aeg on nagu rong (Time is Like a Train) (3:25) (1985)
20. Ahtumine (The Narrowing) (2:56) (1985)

CD 5 (72:33)
1. Avamäng karjega (Overture with a Scream) (1:50) (1986)
2. Ärka otsiv vaim (Rise to a Seeking Spirit) (2:45) (1985)
3. Mu Isamaa on minu arm (My Homeland is My Love) (2:08) (1982)
4. Laulu sisu (The Song's Essence) (4:28) (1984)
5. Raske aeg (Hard Times) (2:52) (1980)
6. Ma mustas öös näen (I See in the Black Night) (2:47) (1980)
7. Tööaskeldus (Work-Bustle) (3:03) (1979)
8. Meediaaskeldus (Media-Bustle) (1:48) (1979)
9. Rahvalaulufraas (A Folk Song Phrase) (4:56) (1989)
10. Laul surnust linnust (Song about a Dead Town) (4:03) (1980)
11. Killud toovad õnne (Fragments Bring Luck) (4:37) (1982)
12. Käsi (Hand) (2:59) (1982)
13. Aeg (Time) (6:43) (1983, live 1983)
14. Viru vanne (The Viru Curse) (3:18) (1983, live 1983)
15. Oota mind (Wait For Me) (3:09) (1985)
16. Ih-ih-hii ja ah-ah-haa (3:48) (1988)
17. Päikeselapsed (Children of the Sun) (4:01) (1987)
18. Kui mõtled enda pääle (If You Think To Yourself) (3:37) (1982)
19. Laul võimalusest (A Song of Possibilities) (3:52) (1980)
20. Luigelaul (Swan Song) (3:58) (1987)
21. Nii vaikseks kõik on jäänud (As Quietly as All Stayed) (1:51) (1971/1985 version)

Czas całkowity: 356:02
- Urmas Alender / lead vocals
- Jaanus Nõgisto / guitars
- Andres Põldroo / guitars (3, 13)
- Toomas Veenre / guitars (2, 4)
- Rein Rannap / keyboards
- Tiit Haagma / bass
- Indrek Avasalu / bass (4)
- Andrus Vaht / drums
- Jaan Karp / drums (14-19)
- Paul Mägi / trumpet (4)
- Tõnu Kaljuste Choir (1, 12, 16)
- Mixed Choir Noorus (15, 17)

Tracks 13 and 16 (18?) taken live from December 1981 at the Linnahall concert hall.
Tracks 14, 15 and 17 taken live from October 1983 at the Linnahall concert hall.

CD 2
- Urmas Alender / lead vocals
- Jaanus Nõgisto / guitars
- Margus Kappel / keyboards
- Priit Kuulberg / bass
- Tiit Haagma / bass (1, 17-20)
- Ivo Varts / drums
- Andrus Vaht / drums (1, 6, 14, 17-20)

Tracks 19 and 20 taken live from 30 December 1976 at the Tallinn Polytechnic Institute.

CD 3
- Urmas Alender / lead vocals
- Jaanus Nõgisto / guitars, vocals (5, 6)
- Rein Rannap / keyboards, vocals (5)
- Tiit Haagma / bass
- Jaan Karp / drums
- Arvo Urb / drums (1, 2)
- Mixed Choir Noorus (17)
- Paul Mägi chamber orchestra (14, 15)
- Eesti Raadio (Estonian Radio) Estraadiorkester Orchestra (7)

Tracks 13-15 taken live from December 1981 at the Linnahall concert hall.
Track 16 taken live from October 1983 at the Linnahall concert hall.

CD 4
- Urmas Alender / lead vocals
- Indrek Patte / vocals (11, 14, 15)
- Jaanus Nõgisto / guitars
- Igor Garshnek / keyboards
- Tiit Haagma / bass
- S.P. Gulliver (Vladislav Petchnikov) / bass (9-17)
- Toomas Rull / drums
- Rein Joasoo / drums (9-14, 21)
- Arvo Urb / drums (15, 17)

CD 5
- Urmas Alender / lead vocals
- Ivo Linna / guest vocals (15)
- Indrek Patte / vocals (17)
- Jaanus Nõgisto / guitars
- Ain Varts / guest guitars (4)
- Raul Jaanson / guitars (16)
- Igor Garshnek / keyboards (1, 2, 15-17, 20)
- Rein Rannap / keyboards (3-5, 11-14, 18)
- Margus Kappel / keyboards (6-10, 15, 19)
- Olav Ehala / keyboards (6, 10, 19, 21)
- S.P. Gulliver (Vladislav Petchnikov) / bass (1, 16, 17, 20)
- Tiit Haagma / bass (2, 3, 5, 11-15, 18)
- Priit Kuulberg / bass (4, 6-10, 19)
- Rein Joasoo / drums (1)
- Toomas Rull / drums (2, 15, 21)
- Jaan Karp / drums (3, 11-14, 18)
- Andrus Vaht / drums (4, 5)
- Ivo Varts / drums (6-9, 19)
- Arvo Urb / drums (16, 17, 20)
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