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Hounds of Love

Oceń ten artykuł
(110 głosów)
(1985, album studyjny)
1. Running up that hill (5:03)
2. Hounds of love (3:03)
3. The big sky (4:41)
4. Mother stands for comfort (3:08)
5. Cloudbusting (5:10)
6. And dream of sheep (2:45)
7. Under ice (2:21)
8. Waking the witch (4:18)
9. Watching you without me (4:07)
10. Jig of life (4:04)
11. Hello earth (6:13)
12. The morning fog (2:34)

Czas całkowity: 47:32
- Kate Bush ( voices, fairlight, piano )
- Stuart Elliott ( drums )
- Morris Pert ( percussion )
- Del Palmer ( bass )
- Eberhard Weber ( bass )
- Youth ( bass )
- Alan Murphy ( guitars )
- Paddy Bush ( balailaka, dijerido, backing vocals, violins, fujare )
- John Carder Bush ( backing vocals )
- Charlie Morgan ( drums )
- Jonathan Williams ( cello )
- the medicci sextet ( strings )
- Brian Bath ( backing vocals )
- Donals Lunny ( bouzouki )
- Kevin McAlea ( keyboards )
- Danny Thompson ( double bass )
- Liam O'Flynn ( uilean pipes )
- John Williams ( guitar )
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