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Flash Gordon

Oceń ten artykuł
(30 głosów)
(1980, album studyjny)
1. Flash's Theme (3:29)
2. In the Space Capsule (The Love Theme) (2:42)
3. Ming's Theme (In Court of Ming the Merciless) (2:40)
4. Ring (Hypnotic Seduction of Dale) (:57)
5. Football Fight (1:28)
6. In the Death Cell (Love Theme Reprise) (2:24)
7. Execution of Flash (1:05)
8. Kiss (Aura Resurrects Flash) (1:44)
9. Arboria (Planet of the Tree Men) (1:41)
10. Escape From the Swamp (1:43)
11. Flash to the Rescue (2:44)
12. Vultan's Theme (Attack of the Hawk Men) (1:12)
13. Battle Theme (2:18)
14. Wedding March (:56)
15. Marriage of Dale and Ming (And Flash Approaching) (2:04)
16. Crash Dive on Mingo City (1:00)
17. Flash's Theme Reprise (Victory Celebrations) (1:23)
18. Hero (3:31)
19. Flash's Theme* (1991 Remix by Mista Lawnge) (6:42)

Czas całkowity: 41:43

* dodatkowo na reedycji Hollywood Records z 1991 roku
- Brian May ( synthesizer, keyboards, vocals, guitar )
- Roger Taylor ( synthesizer, drums, vocals )
- John Deacon ( synthesizer, guitar, bass )
- Freddie Mercury ( synthesizer, piano, vocals )
Więcej w tej kategorii: « Queen Hot Space »
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