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A Place In The Queue

Oceń ten artykuł
(44 głosów)
(2006, album studyjny)

1. In Earnest (20:03)
2. Lost In London (8:08)
3. DIY Surgery (2:16)
4. GPS Culture (10:07)
5. Follow Your Leaders ( 9:21)
6. The Sun In My Eyes (3:44)
7. A Place In The Queue (25:19)

Czas całkowity: 78:58

Bonus Cd  (Digipack)
Part One - Other songs recorded at the same time as the main CD
1. Promises Were Made (7:26)
2. The First Day At School DEMO* (5:30)
3. Forsaken Cathedrals (4:54)
Part Two - Alternative Version
4. The Sun In My Eyes - Extended Mix (9:12)
Part Three - Instrumental Ambience
5. Grooving On Mars (LIVE at Karlsruhe Germany 2005) (6:16)
6. Kartoffelsalat Im Unterseeboot (13:37)

- Andy Tillison ( organ, piano, Moog synthesizers, guitars & lead vocals )
- Sam Baine ( piano, synthesiser & vocals )
- Jonas Reingold ( bass guitar )
- Theo Travis ( saxophones, flutes, clarinet & vocals )
- Guy Manning ( acoustic guitars, mandolin & vocals )
- Jaime Salazar ( drums )
- Krister Jonsson - electric guitars (except 4)

oraz gościnnie:
- Dan Watts (Po90) - electric guitars (4)
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