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Oceń ten artykuł
(15 głosów)
(1975, album studyjny)
1. The capital of power 3:13
2. The school of instant pain 6:22
a) Proclamation
b) The gladiator's song
c) Roman entertainment
d) The battle
3. The walls of doom 3:56
4. The deadly dream of freedom 3:53
5. The hazy shades of dawn 3:08
6. The burning sword of Capua 2:41
7. The sweetest sound of liberty 2:35
8. The march to the Eternal City 8:46
a) Dusty road
b) Italian improvisation
c) First success
9. Spartacus 7:37
a) The superior force of Rome
b) A broken dream
c) The finale

Czas całkowity: 42:11
- Jürgen Fritz (piano, synthesizers)
- Helmut Köllen (bass, guitars, vocals)
- Hans Bathelt (drums, percussion)
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